Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. With the Christmas rush here, the dedicated InfoVine folks are here on Black Friday with the presses running full steam. Thanks guys and gals for working today, you are the best in the business.
It's a tendency to think if I print 5,000 direct mail pieces, 10,000 will get me twice the sales. That's not necessarily true. We find it's better to use targeted marketing and narrow your audience. Through cleaning up your mailing list to acquiring the right new prospects, you can actually print fewer pieces and get better results versus "spray and pray" innudation.
Today is Veteran's Day, when we salute our heroes for service to their country. It's also a US Post Office Holiday, and it sometimes catches people off guard. Obviously Thanksgiving and Christmas will be mail-free as well (with some exceptions). Get ready for 2010 by knowing these postal holidays:
New Year’s Day – Friday, January 1st
Martin Luther King Day – Monday, January 18th
President’s Day – Monday, February 15th
Memorial Day – Monday, May 31st
Independence Day – Monday, July 5th (Since the 4th is a Sunday)
Here in Houston, TX it is 76 degrees and sunny and the holidays seem far away. Looking at the calendar gives a different story. A little bit of planning goes a long way in ensuring that your direct mail and customer communications not only mail on-time, but stand out from the barrage of mail we all get during the holidays. Several of our customers are ahead of the pack in preparing holiday mailings, so let us help you spread good cheer - in a timely and effective manner!